General No Micro SD card slot, ... Presently on my Droid Razr Maxx I have 80gb sd and internal. I like that. ... it works on the Razr Maxx HD and I expect will work ... Razr Maxx - come with SD card? - DroidForums Razr Maxx - come with SD card? ... does the droid maxx have a sd card, does the razr maxx come with an sd card, droid razr maxx sd card slot, razr hd sd card slot, Three new smartphones join Motorola’s RAZR family
DROID RAZR HD/MAXX HD Disassembled! | Forum
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Sd slot? - Motorola Droid RAZR HD / MAXX HD | Android Forums Does the RAZR HD Have an sd card slot or is it all internal? Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 2 Droid MAXX - No MicroSD card slot - Page 2 - Lenovo Forums This phone would have been perfect. I was just about to pre-order it and realized there is no MicroSD slot. This is a deal breaker for me. I currently have 96 Gb's of storage on my RAZR MAXX HD and anything less is a step backwards. Insert SD / Memory Card - DROID MAXX 2 BY MOTOROLA
The New Motos - Motorola Droid RAZR HD / MAXX HD | Android ...
No MicroSD card slot? Very disappointing and a none starter for me if it's true. Sorry, but 32 GB isn't enough.
Единственным минусом является отсутствие слота для карты памяти microSD, в MAXX HD он был. Заявленное время работы составляет 48 часов в смешанном режиме использования, что на целых 16 часов большей таковой цифры у прошлогоднего DROID RAZR MAXX HD.
Droid MAXX - No MicroSD card slot - Page 11 - Lenovo Forums No MicroSD card slot? Very disappointing and a none starter for me if it's true. Sorry, but 32 GB isn't enough.
External MicroSD card not seating correctly in Oct 29, 2012 · Hi. Got my new Droid RAZR HD yesterday and got it activated without incident. (Thank you Verizon.) However when I attempted to insert a micro SD card in the slot, it would not seat properly. For most of the micro SD readers I've used in the past, when you insert a micro SD card into a slot, it usually "clicks" into place. But not in my Razr.